Convergence Optical Sciences Initiative (COSI)

Since its opening in 1986, UC Irvine Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic has become an internationally recognized leader in optics and photonics in medicine. The field has seen significant growth, with an estimated worldwide annual commercial impact of $80 billion. To capitalize on this growth and address the rising demand for personalized healthcare, UC Irvine launched the Institute-led Convergence Optical Sciences Initiative (COSI).

COSI is an interdisciplinary, campus-wide initiative designed to drive the creation, clinical translation and commercialization of novel optics, photonics and related technologies to transform human health. The initiative unites the Institute with UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation and the UC Irvine Schools of Engineering, Physical Science and Medicine. This collaboration builds on nearly 40 years of world-leading expertise in biophotonics and biomedical optics at the Institute.

COSI is the vision for the future. Through the initiative, the university is committed to recruiting new faculty with expertise in optics and photonics to enhance existing research areas. To support this growth, the Institute will renovate and expand its facilities, creating dedicated spaces for academic and industry collaboration and engagement. 

Donate today and help us transform the future. Your support will preserve our unique culture of integrating basic research, technology development, clinical translation and commercialization. Together, we can continue to produce life-changing technologies and discoveries for generations to come.

To donate or to learn more, please contact Gabrielle Comfort, Director of Development, at