Message from the Founding Director

In 1982, Dr. Arnold O. Beckman and I established an interdisciplinary institute focused on the use of light (photons). Our core idea was to use lasers to study the basic biology of cells and apply the knowledge gained from the studies to understand, diagnose and treat diseases. We purposely designed and built UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic to include basic cellular and biochemistry, engineering and histopathology laboratories, along with a patient clinic.  By incorporating these features under one collaborative umbrella, we envisioned collaboration between diverse groups: basic scientists, engineers and clinicians.

Reflecting on the journey, the path – though sometimes strewn with obstacles (and a little hemoglobin) – has led to something far greater than Dr. Beckman and I ever imagined. The scientists, engineers, physicians and collaborators of the Institute are more diverse, including physicists, biologists, dentists and mathematicians, and hail from more distant corners of this world, such as Israel, China, Norway, Japan, Taiwan, Sweden and Australia. Medical devices based on the basic research conducted at the Institute have been built, tested, patented and commercialized. Some are now routinely used by clinicians to treat disfiguring birthmarks in children, while others are advancing in detecting and treating devastating diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The future of UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic is bright.  From that rainy Southern California day in 1980 when Dr. Beckman and I embarked on this journey, to the years ahead, the Institute continues to the push the boundaries of innovation in science and medicine.

Michael W. Berns, Ph.D (1942-2022)
Cofounder, UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Chair
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology
Professor, Surgery