CHEM 243 - Advanced Instrumental Analysis
Theory and applications of modern advanced instrumental methods of analysis. Includes data acquisition, storage, retrieval, and analysis; Fourier transform methods; vacuum technologies; magnetic sector; quadrupole and ion trap mass spectrometry; surface science spectroscopic methods; lasers and optics.
EECS 176 - Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics and Materials
Physical properties of semiconductors and the roles materials play in device operation. Topics include: crystal structure, phonon vibrations, energy band, transport phenomenon, optical properties and quantum confinement effect essential to the understanding of electronic, optoelectronic and nanodevices.
EECS 180A - Engineering Electromagnetics I
Electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electromagnetic fields: solutions to problems in engineering applications; transmission lines, Maxwell's equations and phasors, plane wave propagation, reflection, and transmission.
EECS 180B - Engineering Electromagnetics II
Time-varying electromagnetic fields, plane waves, polarization, guidance of waves like rectangular waveguides and microstrips, optical fibers resonant cavities, skin effects and losses, spherical waves, radiation and reception of waves, antenna basics.
EECS 180C - Engineering Electromagnetics III
Propagation in anisotropic media. Propagation in ferrites and non-reciprocal devices. Scattering and dispersion. Electromagnetic properties of materials. Scattering of small nanoparticles. Spherical waves. Cross section of large and small objects. Radar equation. Coherent and incoherent radiation.
EECS 188 - Optical Electronics
Photodiodes and optical detection, photometry and radiometry, geometric optics, lens theory, imaging system, EM wave propagation, optical waveguides and fibers, heterojunction structures, laser theory, semiconductor lasers, and optical transmission system.
EECS 280A - Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics I
Stationary electromagnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, circuits and transmission lines, plane waves, guided waves, and radiation.
EECS 280B - Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics II
Two- and three-dimensional boundary value problems, dielectric waveguides and other special waveguides, microwave networks and antenna arrays, electromagnetic properties of materials, and electromagnetic optics.
EECS 202A - Principles of Imaging
Linear systems, probability and random processes, image processing, projecting imaging, tomographic imaging.
EECS 202B - Techniques in Medical Imaging I: X-ray, Nuclear, and NMR Imaging
Ionizing radiation, planar and tomographic radiographic and nuclear imaging, magnetism, NMR, MRI imaging.
EECS 202C - Techniques in Medical Imaging II: Ultrasound, Electrophysiological, Optical
Sound and ultrasound, ultrasonic imaging, physiological electromagnetism, EEG, MEG, ECG, MCG, optical properties of tissues, fluorescence and bioluminescence, MR impedance imaging, MR spectroscopy, electron spin resonance and ESR imaging.
EECS 270C - Design of Integrated Circuits for Broadband Applications
Topics include: broadband standards and protocols; high-frequency circuit design techniques; PLL theory and design; design of transceivers; electrical/optical interfaces.
EECS 285A - Optical Communications
Introduction to fiber optic communication systems, optical and electro-optic materials, and high-speed optical modulation and switching devices.
EECS 285B - Lasers and Photonics
Covers the fundamentals of lasers and applications, including Gaussian beam propagation, interaction of optical radiation with matters, and concepts of optical gain and feedback. Applications are drawn from diverse fields of optical communication, signal processing, and material diagnosis.
Theory and practice of modern nanoscale imaging techniques and applications. Traces the development of microscopy from ancient times to modern day techniques used for visualizing the nano-world from atoms to molecules including hands-on experience in the laboratory.
Courses Found: 46