Cardio-oncology; Cardiovascular diseases in cancer patients
With more advances in cancer therapy, more patients are alive as cancer survivors than a decade ago.
However, cardiovascular disease is the number one reason for mortality in these cancer free patients.
Beside the conventional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, radiation and chemotherapy and
cancer specific immunotherapy contributes to increased risk. We will discuss the details of
cardiovascular disease etiologies and treatment options in this specific patient population.
Dr. Cilingiroglu is a well-established interventional cardiologist and structural heart interventionalist.
He has academic affiliations with several different universities in the USA as well as in EU for various
research and educational collaborations. Beside providing excellent clinical cardiovascular care, over
the last two decades he has been involved and lead many different investigator initiated and novel
device development studies. Have been collaborating with Professor Milner and his team for many