Chen Achieves Academic Success in the Wilder-Smith Lab
Amber Chen, a UC Irvine Bio Sci 199 undergraduate student in the lab of Dr. Petra Wilder-Smith, presented their artificial intelligence (AI)-powered oral cancer screening probe project at the annual TriBeta Western Regional Conference at Chapman University.
As a member of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Chen promotes the importance of scientific research. “It was amazing to connect with many undergraduates and faculties from other institutions in California,” stated Chen, “It is an honor to promote healthcare education and raise awareness with our projects.”
Chen leads many diverse projects in the Wilder-Smith Lab. Dr. Wilder-Smith was recently recognized as UC Irvine Beall Applied Innovation’s 2023 Innovator of the Year for her AI-powered oral cancer screening probe – a project in which Chen assisted and presented at the TriBeta Conference.
“I am grateful to be part of Dr. Wilder-Smith’s team as an undergraduate student at UC Irvine,” stated Chen. “Within a year, I have worked with a multidisciplinary team and have learned a lot more than just dentistry.”
Chen is also actively involved in the UCI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), in which she has secured multiple grants. “As a project lead, I look forward to presenting more of our research, such as our novel dental hand piece in reducing aerosol and splatters,” stated Chen, “As co-lead, I welcome the opportunity to showcase our illuminating syringe project with my excellent fellows.”
About the Bio Sci 199 Program
Bio Sci 199 is an opportunity for undergraduate students to perform supervised undergraduate research alongside a mentor while getting graded units in research. The Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences believes that successful participation in creative research is one of the highest academic goals its undergraduates can attain. Approximately 1,000 students are enrolled in and conduct experimental laboratory, field or clinical research as an apprentice scientist under the supervision of a professor in one of the more than 250 laboratories in the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences or the School of Medicine.
About the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), housed within the Office of the Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning, assists undergraduate students from ANY academic discipline to find research and creative on-campus opportunities with UCI faculty, or off-campus opportunities with industrial partners, national labs, and other universities. We also provide grants to support UCI faculty-mentored undergraduate research projects and creative activities during the academic year and summer.
Click here to learn more about Dr. Petra Wilder-Smith.