Herdeline (Digs) Ardoña, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Hierarchical Strategies Towards Biointerfacing With Soft Optoelectronic Materials Abstract The applications of functional nanomaterials towards biological interfacing continue to emerge in various fields, such as in drug delivery and tissue engineering. While the rational control of surface chemistry and mechanical properties have been achieved for several of these biocompatible systems, these biomaterials are rarely synthesized […]

Stacy Copp, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Fluorophores with a Genome: DNA-Stabilized Silver Clusters as a New Class of Tunable Fluorophores for Microscopy and Biosensing Abstract Because near-infrared (NIR) electromagnetic radiation penetrates much farther into biological tissues than visible light, NIR microscopy allows for noninvasive imaging deep into tissues and even whole organisms. In the second near-infrared window (NIR-II: 1,000-1,700 nm), biological […]

Andy Shih, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Optical Dissection of Brain Capillary Function Abstract My laboratory uses in vivo multiphoton imaging and rodent models to shed light (quite literally) on regulation of cerebral blood flow. In particular, we have focused recent attention on the vast capillary networks that distribute blood throughout the brain. We use light to both visualize capillary structure and […]

Quinton Smith, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Harnessing Physiological Forces to Drive Stem Cell Fate & Function Abstract I will be elaborating about how physical cues are crucial to embryonic development, morphogenic events, and tissue organization, but methods to differentiate cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) mainly rely on chemical cues. As such, the role of substrate stiffness, fluid shear […]

Erin Buckley, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Illuminating Biomarkers of Stroke with Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies Abstract Our research group specializes in the development and application of diffuse optical spectroscopies to study the brain. These non-invasive, light-based tools enable real-time bedside monitoring of microvascular hemodynamics. In this seminar, I will focus on our recent work that uses these tools to identify biomarkers of […]

Wenbin Tan, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Vasculopathy in COVID-19 and Pathogenesis of Cutaneous Vascular Malformations Abstract SARS-CoV-2-associated vasculopathy under hyperlipidemia and pathological progression of congenital vascular abnormalities in Port Wine Stains. In the first part, we will present our clinical data for the first discovery of dyslipidemia in COVID-19 patients which have been substantially recognized. Mechanistically, we have shown evidence of […]

Song Hu, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Light + Sound: Peering into Brain Function and Metabolism Abstract Exploiting the optical absorption contrast of blood hemoglobin, photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) is an emerging technology for label-free imaging of the microvasculature, which plays an essential role in supplying oxygen to the biological tissue and maintaining the metabolic activity in vivo. The multi-parametric PAM developed in […]

Dr. Dmitri Lapotko, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Lasers in Nano-Surgery and Nano-Medicine: Plasmonic Nanobubbles Abstract To improve the safety and efficacy of standards of care in diagnostics and treatment of clinically-challenging diseases including cancer, we combine the laser and nanotechnology approaches into a precise on-demand mechanical impact an nano-scale, a laser pulse-generated vapor nanobubble around plasmonic nanoparticles in target cells. This nano-event, […]

Dr. Lilangi Ediriwickrema, M.D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Applications of Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging in Thyroid Eye Disease Abstract Spatial frequency domain imaging provides access to multi-spectral absorption and scattering information of biological chromophores and water to provide quantifiable detail about tissue hemodynamics and spectral content. We propose to use SFDI to define an optical signature map characteristic for healthy eyes, and TED […]

Dr. Maxim R. Shcherbakov, Ph. D.

Zoom Event CA, United States

Tunable photonic nanostructures for laser pulse control and dynamic imaging Abstract For decades, nanofabrication has been the driving force behind the transformations in electronics. Light-based devices currently experience a similar transition: nanostructure-based photonic elements bear promise to revolutionize several key technology areas, such as telecommunications, augmented reality, remote sensing, and imaging. In this talk, I […]