VBF Facebook Live Discussion
FaceBook Live CA, United StatesTopic: Port Wine stains & Hemangiomas during COVID-19 FaceBook Link: VascularBirthmarksFoundation This is a free event.
Topic: Port Wine stains & Hemangiomas during COVID-19 FaceBook Link: VascularBirthmarksFoundation This is a free event.
University of California, Irvine - Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics Optical Detection of Rare Space Time Events for Precision Medicine Abstract Finding low-abundance bioparticles and rare events in clinically relevant samples is an unresolved but very important issue in biomedicine, specifically for rapid identification of infections and malignant tissues and the development of personalized […]
Assistant Professor of Chemistry- Alcorn State University Department of Chemistry and Physics Azo and Hydrazone Molecular Photoswitches’ Photoinduced Conformational Adjustability Exploited for a Light-Enabled Template for Site-Selective Arene C-H Bond Functionalization Abstract Site-Selectivity is highly desired for work in C-H bond functionalization as organic framework are typically saturated with C-H bonds of similar reactivity. Differentiating […]
Assistant Professor & PULSE Lab Director - Johns Hopkins University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering Listening to the Sound of Light to Guide Surgeries Abstract Photoacoustic imaging offers “x-ray vision” to see beyond tool tips and underneath tissue during surgical procedures, yet no ionizing x-rays are required. Instead, optical fibers […]
Bioengineering for COVID-19: Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) at Unprecedented Speed and Scale Join Beall Applied Innovation and Beckman Laser Institute for a presentation from Bruce Tromberg, director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. Bruce will discuss how the NIH launched the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics initiative in response to the […]
From Ocular Biometry to Cellular Resolution – and Multifunctional OCT – Coherence Ranging and Imaging in the Human Eye over 35 Years Abstract In the mid 1980s, first applications of low coherence interferometry (LCI) to tissue metrology and analysis were reported. Starting from one-dimensional ocular biometry, the technology has evolved into a high-speed, 3-dimensional imaging […]
Harnessing Photons for Label-free Chemical Imaging, High-Precision Neuromodulation, and Killing of Superbugs Abstract Photons are unique in that they can directly interact with molecules, the foundation of life. I will give an overview of our biophotonics research at three levels of interactions. At the weak interaction regime, I will present label-free chemical microscopy utilizing spectroscopic […]
In vivo multiphoton microscopy of microvasculature and inflammation: Lessons from the brain and a look at the heart Abstract In vivo multiphoton microscopy enables the visualization of dynamics at the cellular scale and is an ideal tool for studying the interactions of cells in vivo. Such imaging has revealed the importance of maintaining vascular health, […]
Cell Mechanics by Light Abstract Living cells are active matter characterized by mechanical properties as stiffness and deformability and morphological parameters as shape and volume. Genetic or pathogenic modifications of these properties can affect cell behavior. Since these transformations are potential indicators in various pathologies, cell mechanics characterization has progressively gained interest. However, due to […]
Translating an understanding of the cutaneous microenvironment into diagnostics and treatments for wounds, cancers, and inflammatory dermatoses Abstract Immune cells are the first responders to injury, pathogens, or malignancy. The various components of the tissue microenvironment dictate what immune cells do when they reach different tissues. The Scumpia lab studies how different components of the […]